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Saturday, February 22, 2014

Teaching With Puppets

Story: Coconut Comes to School by Berlie Doherty

I have presented this story to several classes within my cluster. The reaction of the students towards the story is always positive, and they enjoy learning about the donkey that goes to school. To test comprehension and listening, I had prompt cards and distributed them to the students before the reading. Students had to raise their card when they heard the characters name in the story. It was quite amusing as many students became so engrossed in the story that they forgot to raise their card, and their friend would yell at them to pay attention!

When students hear the word "goodnight" they must pretend to sleep and get very quiet for the lesson to 

They were very amused with this story. I would say 'hee' and they would reply 'haw' during Coconut's parts in the story. 

I have several puppets, and this horse came in handy as the role of a donkey! 

By: Ash

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Welcome to TELL2 cluster in Johor Bahru

Mentors: Kim - Majidi Sub-Cluster

Todd  - Gelang Patah Sub- Cluster

Ash- Tampoi Sub-Cluster

By: Ash